My Third Ayahuasca Ceremony

A couple of days ago, I participated in my Third Ayahuasca Ceremony. I would like to keep this report a bit simpler and shorter than the previous ones and just resume the most important insights and moments. (Here is the link to my previous, more detailed reports which are written in German) First of all, I have to say that I realized that everything I wrote about Ayahuasca in my previous reports says a lot about the ceremony and what I learned from the medicine, but it actually doesn’t say anything about what Ayahuasca really is. And in this report it will be the same. I can only tell you what I have learned from it. It is impossible for me to describe what Ayahuasca is, words are just far from being able to cover it. Not even my own memory can keep it, our human mind is too limited. No matter how precise we are able to describe something in words, all these words cannot even touch the Divinity. Words can only be a hint to it. But I will write and share this report anyway ...